Legal Disclaimer – Law Offices of Edwin Fahlen
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and you should consider the information contained on this website as well as other relevant factors in making such decisions.
Neither the website nor use of information from the website creates an attorney-client relationship.
Legal Disclaimer – Contacting us via the Internet
You may send e-mail via our e-mail links on this website or via our contact form on this website. Sending communication to us via an email or contact form message to our office, however, does not create an attorney-client relationship. Do not send confidential or privileged information to us until you establish such a relationship; and even then continue to be aware that any non-encrypted email SHOULD NEVER BE CONSIDERED secure.
Even if we have created and attorney-client relationship, we advise against sending privileged or confidential information through non-encrypted email at all, since we can in no way ensure the security of your email or email systems in general. Despite appropriate precautions, email and other forms of electronic communications cannot be completely protected against disclosure to someone other than the intended recipient. As a result, we cannot and do not make any representation that emails transmitted are entirely private. By sending sensitive or confidential email messages that are not encrypted you accept the risks of such uncertainty and possible lack of confidentiality over the Internet.
Your use of this website is your acceptance of our terms of this Legal Disclaimer and Use of Web Site Agreement, you acknowledge that the Law Offices of Edwin Fahlen has no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you transmit to us.